Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Sidewalk counselors in Training!

This last week we covered reproduction and development in my classes. One of the guy teachers taught the reproduction section, and I taught development. The week before, the boys had had an intensive chastity week in Alison's class, so they were hit with everything at once. Abortion is supposedly illegal in Belize, but they have the health exemption, which means it is commonly done. So I wanted to teach my kids the reality of abortions. We started off going day by day through the development of the baby, and I pointed out special landmarks that they were to know, such as the beginning of the heartbeat, when the baby sucks his thumb, when he can recognize his mother's voice, etc. The next day, I taught about abortions-- the different methods done at different times in the pregnancy, and all the graphic details. I made sure to point out as we went through each type of abortion the stage of development that the baby would be at. As an essay question on their test, I asked them what they would say to a 4-month pregnant friend of theirs who was considering an abortion. I thought I'd share some of the answers...

"Can I tell you something, sister? Imagine it, if you don't take your baby out, your baby will grow day by day, week by week, and month by month. And now in the 4th month, you can hear your baby's heartbeat...and all the essential internal and external structures are formed, and you can also know if it is a boy or a girl, how would you want to kill it? And I think if you want it or not, you still this baby's mother, and he is your child." -Jeffrey

"Do you know that on this 4 months your baby is already developed with all his parts. He is a beautiful person why don't you let him live. Also if you make abortion your conscience will not be peacefully every time because you have committed this, abortion is only a fancy name because it should be called murder..." -Agapito

"Do not throw away our brothers and sisters..." -Raphael

"I would say to her, your baby is alive inside of you and he can hear your voice, he can recognize you, his organs are functional, all he has to do is grow and wait to be born. Although your baby is completely developed inside and out, he is defenseless, it is like shooting a sitting duck. Inside the clinic they are going to give a drug to you to induce labour, you are going to think your baby is going to be born, and he is, but your baby is going to be born feet first...the doctor will cut his skull and suck his brain out just before his little head comes all the way out. So I beg you don't go inside there you will regret it for the rest of your life." -Jose (Jose is talking about partial birth abortion)

And here is Alison's influence...
"Also I will tell that let the baby live because God plans [for marriage] to unite and procreate also love children because they are the love between parents. Let him or her see the creation of God for him and for all of us, to see the light and the beautiful world that God had created for him...and to feel the grace of God." -Emerito

Pretty powerful, huh? I am so proud of them for absorbing all the information and taking it to heart.

In other news, Miriam's sisters are here visiting, and the Steubenville mission group is here. I played frisbee with them yesterday!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so beautiful, Cathleen...There is hope for the former 1E boys, indeed.

I can't wait to see you in less than a month!!

Keep fighting the good fight,
Sarah Shelodn

11:21 AM  
Blogger Abigail said...

Lots of food for thought - kudos for an awesome lesson.

Oh - and we just got 14 inches of snow. It's over my head in drifts. Be happy you are in Belize!!!!!!

6:17 PM  

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