Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Believe it or not, we are still on strike here. This morning, supposedly, we were supposed to have school, but typical of Belize, no one knew, so no one showed up- even the teachers (we may or may not have been eating banana pancakes at the rectory instead of going to school). Anyways, keeping busy has been a top priority, and I have managed pretty well so far. I thought I'd give a list of some of the things I have been up to in the last week and a half :)

-went to a mission town in Guatemala, and handed out miraculous metals
-rode horses, and got about a hundred ticks
-planted coconuts
-climbed to the top of a Mayan ruin
-went to the zoo, and heard a puma purr
-read 4 books
-went sailing and snorkeling in the cayes, hugged a shark and held a manta ray
-took a nap on a river beach deep in the jungle
-cleaned to bio lab, and found a dead petrifed frog

I have some fun pictures from the zoo, which I'll put up soon, I hope!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought you'd be back to work by now. Hang in there, I really hope things get organized so you can get back to work.

Hugged a shark? Does this strike anyone as being odd? He must have really liked you or he must not have been that hungry. Hundreds of ticks, I've seen that scenerio before in the foot hills of Ohio. Disgusting.

Take care out there kiddo.


9:42 AM  

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