Friday, February 11, 2005

School started back on Monday, without clear resolution to the strike- no one seems to know quite what is going on. But we are back to normal, mostly. Yesterday I dissected a sheep heart and two cow hearts for the class- one of the Belizian teacher's uncle is a butcher, so I have access to all sorts of fun stuff. Cow hearts, by the way, are massive. The boys seemed to like it, especially when I got squirted with water during a demonstration of how fluid flows through the heart :)
Last Saturday, we played frisbee golf on a fantastic course- it winds through the jungle. It was really challenging and fun. If your frisbee curved off the path, you had to tromp through vines and undergrowth to find it. I was a little leery of snakes, but we were told that they don't live in that kind of undergrowth...and then were told to watch out for the poisonous plants. (Ali's mom, if you are reading this, don't worry, Ali didn't come :) )
Some very sad news- the kitten died on Tuesday. I'm not sure what happened, I think she either got hit by a car or a dog got her. Our house isn't the same without her, she definitely had quite a personality!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are back to work, but more importantly I'm glad to hear you still play frisbee. It looks like that part of Franciscan hasn't left you, and that's a good thing. And so what if you were to touch a poisonous plant, its nothing your astute biology skills could not find a quick solution for. Hope all is well.


11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Cathleen,
Thanks for the disclaimer that Ali R. wasn't with you!!! I was reading your blog and worrying about ticks and snakes etc. When you informed me that Alison wasn't along, I cracked up. I was laughing so hard my husband came into the room to see what was up!! I guess my worrying tendencies are well known by now. Be careful...and tell your mom that Mrs. Robezzoli is worrying enough for all the parents put together!!!
Lots of prayers for all of you, Mrs. R

7:08 AM  

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