Monday, December 06, 2004

We spent this weekend at sunny San Pedro, trying to remember that it is December while lying on the beach....but I brought papers with me to grade, so it wasn't all fun :) It is really nice to live a few hours from a beach, I have to say. Tourist season is really picking up, though, so it was kinda crowded. I not used to being treated like a tourist, either, so sometimes it was frustrating. People take advantage of tourists a lot, and guys try to talk to you. Guys come up to us and ask us where we are from, and when we say Benque they get really confused. It's kind of funny.
It looks like the kitten will be evicted from the house. Alison has declared she has had it. Hopefully he will find a home with another one of the teachers, so I can visit him a lot.
Friday this week is a Christmas pageant at school, so all my lessons have to be completely wrapped up by Thursday. I am finishing topics completely, so I won't have to worry about reteaching everything they forget over break. It will be sooo good to be home. I'm looking forward to hot showers, pizza, salad, bagels, sweaters, Christmas, and tons of other things. People here have Christmas lights and decorations up, but it just doesn't feel like Christmas when it is 80 degrees! I have seen a couple of pointsetta trees in bloom, though, which is definitely very cool!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say I thought lots about you this weekend. Someone dropped off five kitties at the convent and they decided my house would be a good place to keep them. I'm not very handy with cats, and, being in a new place, they decided to mark it all up - ew. Some sisters came over to help and it's funny to see; they pick the cats up by the scruff of the neck and talk baby talk, just like you. But, the smell and the scratched furniture got to me, so they are now staying in a retreat house bathroom. If you had been on the same continent, I would have given them to you! Anyway, five kitties at a convent - who does that?

4:20 PM  

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