Saturday, October 30, 2004

futball, chastity, eclipses and pepper oranges

Last night we had a wonderful view of the Lunar eclipse- I had to watch it because I assigned it as homework for my freshman science class.  I was actually watching it along with the world series.  Normally, I have no idea what goes on in the baseball world, but my roommate Anne is a huge Red Sox fan, so it was mandatory that we all go watch the game.  We watched it in an air-conditioned room, so it was fine by me.  This morning we had Jason Everett as a speaker.  He is going around the whole country this week giving Chastity talks to all the high school kids.  He was fantastic; the kids absolutely loved him.  Hopefully the message will hit home, because they so need it.  The talk was outside on the basketball court, because that is the only place where the whole school will fit.  During his talk, one of the local dogs wandered through the audience, which no one really payed any attention to, because dogs wander all around here.  Jason was kind of thrown off though, it was funny.  He should see how many dogs wander through when we have Mass there!  He's a fellow FUS grad, and was in CTL, so it was kind of neat for us steubie people.  Unfortunately we didn't get to talk to him much cause he had to rush off to another school. It is great timing for my lessons, though, cause I plan to start a HIV unit this coming week, and I know it will branch into chastity and sex questions. 
Another thing that is going on is a futball tournament- soccer for those who don't know.  The girl teachers, myself included, decided to get a team together.  Heaven knows why I decided to play, it was certainly a humbling experience today, and we didn't even play a game!  We were running around, warming up, and I went to kick the ball, tripped, and landed flat on my rear end.  Of course, all of my boys were watching, and found it absolutely hysterical.  My nickname, by the way, which I sometimes answer to, is Miss Hypothesis.  The boys all find it highly amusing to ask me to make hypotheses about all sorts of random questions.  Oh well, at least I've managed to teach them something!


Blogger Abigail said...

The subject line had me thinking, "WHAT is going on down in Belize?!?". Hehe. Cute entry...

4:52 PM  

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