Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Snapshots of Belizian Life...

Living in Belize can be really hard and really good at the same time- I thought I'd share some random events

-yesterday as I was walking home, I came about an inch from stepping on a large Tarantula- I leaped over the thing, shrieking, no doubt amusing my neighbors to no end
-there are two little girls, probably about 6 and 4 years old, who have taken a liking to me. One day in mass the older girl sat in front of me, and kept turning around and grinning at me. I don't know who they belong to (she was by herself), but I invited her to sit with me at mass. She was very attentive the whole mass, except when she fell asleep on my lap during the Homily. Now, whenever I see them in town, they start shrieking in Spanish, and run and fling themselves at me for a hug. They chatter at me in Spanish for a while, give me lots of hugs and kisses, and then go on their way. I don't even know their names!
-I found out the other day that a student of mine is absent often because her family cannot afford the bus fare. It is $1 a day, and she just saves up for a few days until she can afford to get to school again.
-I was at a local grocery store with another teacher last week, when a Mount Carmel student came in. She insisted on treating us both to sodas and popsicles, and then her family gave us a ride home. Students are so generous, even when they have so little.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Cathleen,
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying you're missionary work in Belize!! Don't feel too embaressed about the tarantula episode, if it were me, I would've done something a lot more embarrising than that! But It sounds like you've been able to find your way into the hearts of a few of the local kids, and that's great! Well, I hope you continue to have sucess in your ministree, I will keep you in my prayers, and may God Bless you!!!
WYD 2005

9:31 PM  

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