Friday, August 20, 2004

Novenas and Donuts

Tommorrow starts the Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel!  You can find it at the EWTN website if you want to join us.
Before I leave, I'm trying to eat foods I know I won't be able to get in Belize.  This morning: Dunkin Donuts.  yum :)


Blogger Unknown said...

Yay! Cathleen took my advice and enabled comments on her posts. Because let's face it, if we don't have a lot of time on our hands, the easiest thing is to leave little notes for her on her website - we find out what she's doing and say hi in the same place. Pretty cool.

Speaking of Dunkin Donuts, although they rock, Krispy Kreme is much much better. I saw an article about a Krispy Kreme opening up in Washington DC somewhere and how they have these promotions: first person in the door gets donuts for life, the next 50 get donuts for a year, and the next 50 get a t-shirt.

Anyways, Cathleen - best of luck to you! I think it's funny that both you and Alison and I all hosted our blogs at blogspot...great minds? Or fools seldom differ?

God bless! I'll be checking your blog while I travel too. If you've no objections, I'll put a link to your blog in my links box...which I haven't figured out how to set up yet. However, I still have a couple of weeks before I fly out on Sept. 14th to fiddle around with things like that.

God bless!

9:40 AM  

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